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Friday, April 23, 2010

msiexec.exe. What is it?

msiexec.exe. What is it?

diggMsiexec.exe is Windows® Installer.

This file is part of Windows Installer - Unicode. Msiexec.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is used to install new programs that use Windows Installer package files (MSI). It should only be running if you are running an installer. Msiexec is important for computer security and stability and should not be terminated. It’s a system and hidden file.

Msiexec.exe is usually located in the %PROGRAM_FILES% sub-folder and its usual size is 77,824 bytes.

If you are not installing anything, but msiexec is running, chances are it's a virus. Scan your computer with Malwarebytes  to make sure it's not infected.

The msiexec.exe process may also be running all the time if the Windows Installer service is set to Automatic by mistake. You'll need to change the service startup type to manual. We recommend doing that using

You can also do it manually. Here's how:

1. Go to Start - Run, type in services.msc and hit Enter. A new window will open.

2. Find the Windows Installer service, right-click on it and click on Properties. A new window will open.

3. In the Startup type section, use the dropdown menu to select Manual.

4. Click Apply, then click OK

Windows XP Users: If you a getting an error saying "The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed", read this Microsoft article.

The Windows Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed"

Recommendation ( For Torjans, Viruses And some fake anti-virus programs) ( does about the same as malwarebytes)

Here is a few other programs of interest Click HERE

This one is also in on of my other blogs I think, But you can get it here as well I have tested this Program and it does work. I tested it out on XP on my laptop. Since i did not have any fake viruses it didnt do nothing, So try it out if you think you have a fake Virus program It works Click HERE


Do not terminate msiexec.exe if you are running an installer.

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