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Monday, August 23, 2010

Customizing windows

Did you know that you can customize the Links bar in Windows XP SP2,SP3  and Windows Vista? You can add, remove, or rearrange shortcuts to your Favorites and folders of Favorites. Customizing the Links bar gives you one-click access to your favorite folders, and webpages.

Here's how:

To enable the Links bar in Windows XP SP2,SP3 and Windows Vista

• Right-click on the Windows Taskbar. Click on Toolbars, and then click Links to select it (a checkmark will be displayed beside it)

You will now see "Links"  added just to the left of the system tray on the taskbar.

To add a shortcut to the Links bar

• Drag the webpage's icon from the Address bar of the browser

• Drag a link from a webpage directly to the Links bar

• Drag a folder path from a search window to the Links bar

• Click the Add to Favorites/Bookmarks button in your browser, and then click Add to Favorites/Bookmarks. NOTE: If you are using a different browser this feature may not be implemented, or may work differently

• In the Add to Favorites dialog box, click the Create In dropdown list, and then select Links

To remove a shortcut from the Links bar

• Right-click the shortcut in the Links bar, and then click Delete

To rearrange how your Favorites show on the Links bar

• On the Links bar, drag a shortcut to a new location

To enable the Links bar in your browser

NOTE: This feature may not be implemented, or may work differently, in different browsers.

• Click the Tools button, click Toolbars, and then click Links

To add a shortcut to the Links bar

• Click the Add to Favorites button, and then click Add to Favorites

• In the Add to Favorites dialog box, click the Create In dropdown list, and then select Links

You can also drag the webpage's icon from the Address bar or drag a link from a webpage directly to the Links bar.

• In the Favorites Center, drag a shortcut to a new location in the Links folder

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