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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Online Job Hunting Scams !

"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is."
 Whether you are searching for a new job through
 Monster or other websites, keep in mind that the
same technological innovations that help in your
 job search may be used by cyber-criminals looking
to lure job seekers into questionable job "opportunities."

Monster, the worldwide leader in the online recruitment industry
, makes protecting job seekers a top priority.
 While Monster continually monitors its network and database
 to detect and terminate fraudulent access or job postings,
 keep in mind that Monster's primary purpose is to serve
 as an open forum for employers to advertise open positions
 and a service for job seekers to
 broadcast their qualifications to interested employers.
 We work hard to ensure that only appropriate parties
 (such as employers) have access, but neither we nor any
 other online recruitment company can guarantee that
 inappropriate parties will not gain access to a posted resume.
 Accordingly, we'd like to remind you of what you can do to
 help keep yourself safe during a job search.

Know What to Avoid

Some employment scams appear as job postings
or classifieds while others may target victims with
 an offer through an unsolicited email.
 Below are the most common scams you may see:
  • Money-Laundering Scams
    Money launderers often create job descriptions
  •  that offer commissions or pay as high as $2000 per day
  •  to process checks on behalf of foreign nationals.
  •  They are recruiting local citizens to "process
  • payments" or "transfer funds," because as
  •  foreign nationals, they can't do it themselves.
  •  The image below is an example of a money
  •  laundering scam hidden behind what appears
  •  to be an offer of employment.
  • Learn more about money laundering scams here. »

  • Reshipping Scams
    Reshipping, or postal forwarding, scams typically
  •  require job seekers to receive stolen goods in their
  •  own homes -- frequently consumer electronics -- and
  •  then forward the packages, often outside the United States. 
  • Those who fall for reshipping scams may be liable for
  •  shipping charges and even the cost of goods
  •  purchased online with
  •  stolen credit cards.
  •  Read more about reshipping scams here. »
  • Pre-pay/Work at Home Scams
    Although there are genuine jobs working at home,
  •  many "offers" are not valid forms of employment
  •  and may have the simple goal of obtaining an initial
  •  monetary investment from the victim. Using claims
  •  such as 'be your own boss' and 'make money quickly',
  •  Work at Home scams will not guarantee regular salaried
  •  employment and almost always require an "up-front"
  •  investment of money for products or
  •  instructions before explaining 
  • how the plan works.
  •  Find out more about avoiding these scams. »
Protect Yourself

What seems like a lucrative job offer could cost you your
 savings and more.
 Learn to identify the signals of an employment scam to
 protect yourself.
When conducting a job search:
  • Look for signals in a job posting or email offer,
  •  which could serve as an indicator that what is
  •  being presented as employment is not legitimate.
  •  Don't get involved with an employer that can't make
  •  its business model perfectly clear to you or one that's
  •  willing to hire you without even a phone interview.
  •  Do your own research on any employer that makes
  •  you feel at all uneasy.
  • Never put your social security or national ID number, 
  • credit card number, bank account number or any type
  •  of sensitive personal identification data in your resume.
  •  You should never share any personal information with a
  •  prospective employer, even if they suggest that it is for
  •  a "routine background check", until you are confident that
  •  the employer and employment opportunity is legitimate.
  •  Use Monster's resume visibility options to
  •  'Be Safe'.
  • Do not engage in any transaction in which 
  • you are requested
  •  to transfer or exchange currency or funds to a
  •  prospective employer.
  •  Remain alert for the Work at Home employers who
  •  require you to
  •  make an up-front investment.
  • Be cautious when dealing with
  •  individuals/companies from
  •  outside your own country.
If you see a questionable job posting or suspect misuse of the
 Monster website or its brand, please
 report the suspected fraud to Monster.

If you think you have been a victim of fraud, immediately report the fraud
 to your local police and contact Monster, so steps can be taken to ensure
 your safety. We also recommend that you file an online report with
 The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), a partnership between
 the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).
 For more information on how to conduct a safe job search,
visit Monster's Security Center. You can also check out and the consumer resources provided by the
 Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Best regards,

The Monster Team

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rebuild the Icon Cache

(Works with Windows Vista and Windows 7)

If you have problems with one or more of your Windows desktop icons not displaying correctly or showing the wrong icons for your programs, you might want to rebuild your icon cache. Here's how you do it.

1. Open Windows Explorer, and configure your Folder Options > Views to show Hidden/System Files.

2. Go to C:\\Users\\Owner\\AppData\\Local folder and delete the hidden IconCache.db file.

3. Reboot your computer.

These actions will purge and rebuild the icon cache, and hopefully fix any of the icon problems you were experiencing.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Trees - Laptop An PC Repairs

Christmas Trees - Laptop An PC Repairs

Get a christmas Tree for your Desktop or laptop