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Sunday, June 13, 2010

System Shortcuts,

There are thousands of programs out their that you can get for free and or pay for, But did you know on you PC there are programs all ready on it.

Windows XP ( Vista and windows 7 Just type it in the Search window on the start button

1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type in cleanmgr.exe
This cleans the Hard Drive the same way as if you were to Go to My computer and right click your C:\ drive and then to properties. Just a faster way of doing it.
To make a shortCut on your Desktop Just

1. Right click the Wall paper ( Empty spot)
2. New ShortCut
3.Copy and Past
4. C:\Windows\System32\cleanmgr.exe


Now lets get creative.
If you open the Folder ( Click Start> My Computer" Computer for Vista an 7" Then double Click the drive with your Operating System  ( C:\  normally) then scroll down to Windows then open it then scroll down to System32

you will see a few Applications, These are some of the applications you can use to make shortcuts, What ever you do , Don't Delete them

On any of them you can Double Click it and it will open the program related to it, If it does not open then it is a Command lind program, Meaning another program Needed to run it it short term

If it does open then if you like what it is you can Right click it and scroll down to Make a shortCut
it will make the shortCut in the same folder then you can drag and drop it to the desktop
To see a video Visit our YouTune channel

Here is a list of some of the ones that will Run Just copy and past these into the New shortCut
C:\Windows\System32\Netplwiz.exe ( all )

C:\Windows\System32\resmon.exe  (Vista and win 7)

C:\Windows\System32\msconfig.exe (all)

charmap ( shows you all the Characters )


chkdsk ( check the Hard Drive for errors )

calc ( Calculator )

cmd ( Command Line )

UAC ( User Account Control ) Vista win 7

C:\Windows\System32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe  ( Computer Management Launcher )

taskmgr ( Task Manager )

SoundRecorder ( record sound from a mic to your PC )

perfmon ( Performance Monitor ) Vista and 7

psr ( Problem Steps Recorder ) Windows 7 only

osk ( On screen KeyBoard )

Magnify ( Magnifys the Screen )

OptionalFeatures ( Lets you see other options you may have not installed on your PC)

MdSched ( Windows Memory Diagnostics )

Well Enjoy.

To see a short Video Click HERE

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